Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I went longer than anyone thought....

So some people think Mike has taken the "eating healthy" thing a little too far with monitoring my food intake. I was able to have him back off a bit once the morning sickness started--this only after I dropped the F-Bomb at him when he was annoyed that all I was eating was raisin bread. I had to stay at work late today doing a training. I luckily did get out earlier than expected but when I left school I was STARVING. I called Mike and he said he was still at work and would be there for a while. I racked my brain about the food choices I had at home. Yep. There was none. I cannot describe how exhausting it is making organs so I clearly did not want to stop at the market to get food. I decided the next best thing was to stop at Burger King. So I did. FYI--I have NOT had fast food in over TEN AND A HALF WEEKS! I know this may seem like a lie to most people, but it is the truth. I cannot even remember the last time I had fast food. I cannot describe the amazingness that was the taste of the french fries as they touched my mouth. It was heavenly. I am pretty sure that if I turned my car radio down, I would have heard the hallelujahs. Anyways, not sure if this was just a nice indulgence or going back to my old ways. If you are what you eat, will Nugget be born an actual chicken nugget?

addendum: i found out Nugget doesn't like Burger KIng. Next time I'll try McDonalds.

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