Sunday, November 21, 2010

My Theory On Fetii

So, I know, this is wild and crazy--two posts in one day. They have absolutely nothing to do with the other so I wanted to keep them separate. I've had this theory for quite a while, and was afraid I'd be looked at as Satan for posting it--but here goes. As of right now, I think having a fetus is the same thing as having a parasite. I do not believe it will always be this way--at least until they're 18. I kid, I kid. I have heard pregnancy is supposed to be so beautiful and wonderful and blah blah blah. Who are these people that think this way?? I have received ZERO benefit from being pregnant so far. Puking/dry heaving/ gagging are NOT my idea of fun. Although, Cathy pointed out that by the end of this my tolerance for puke will probably be sky high as before I would run and cry if I saw/heard/ smelled puke. My face is like a pepperoni pizza and I pop zits on a regular basis--this is far from what I consider a 'pregnancy glow'. I thought my hair would be long and luxurious--the only hair I have growing that needs regular maintenance is is my eyebrows and chin hairs! Let's not forget about the peeing when I sneeze!! Yes, I have been fighting a cold for a few days now with boogers galore and I can honestly say I would get embarrassed if I peed enough and it showed while teaching. I am not sure I'd live that one down. At least I can make jokes about my situation to get me through it. I hate to sound like an egocentric teenager (lets not forget that I spend an exorbitant amount of time with them during the week, so maybe its rubbing off?) but when, if at all, will I benefit from this pregnancy? Must I wait to give birth to Nuggette?

PS--This post is dedicated to A.M-T who has no one to vent to in Boston about her pregnancy and we had a vent-fest this morning :)


  1. Lauren, you are my savior... the one girl I can always turn to when things are not going as well as I'd like them. I'm happy to report that I've finally gotten over the "parasite" phase of the pregnancy but it took something you'd never guess to get it to happen. EXERCISE!! I finally felt good enough to get back to yoga and it's made all the difference. -Well, that and venting with you!! : ) Thanks again, Miss!!

  2. Lauren, as someone who I gather does not like working out, I will say that working out did nothing for me. I stuck to it with my first pregnancy since everyone vows it makes you feel better, lose the baby weight faster, better labor, blah, blah, blah... It's a big lie. I ate pizza and mozzarella sticks once a week like a religion with baby number 2, barely ever worked out other than chasing #1 around the house, and had the same results with less weight gain. So I say embrace the stretchy pants, sleep a lot, pull your hair back in a pony tail, brace yourself for massive hair loss post-baby, oh, and get used to the peeing since it doesn't get much better after baby either. On the upside, you have your sense of humor, the comfy pants, oh and you get a super cute, albeit life-consuming little one on the other end of the pregnancy. Keep on laughing!
