Sunday, November 21, 2010


So as most people know, we had the ultrasound Friday confirming that Mike's life will be over come spring. We will be having a little girl Woodcock! We are very excited but very nervous. I actually had a dream about her last night and she was a little ginger baby and weighed TEN POUNDS! Oh lordy! I was at a math conference for most of the day yesterday and one of the vendors was selling math t shirts....and math baby onesies! So i bought Nuggette her first onesie and it says "Cutie Pi" but with the symbol pi. This was then incorporated into my dream and I was frantic because this was the only onesie she had! It was just all very bizarre. But during the ultra sound Nuggette was VERY bashful--not only did she have her legs crossed, she had them tucked in. I was pretty much being jabbed and punched by the technician and Nuggette would not give. So we have lots of wonderful head shots and hand shots and feet shots. There is one picture of Nuggette staring directly forward and oh my heck, she looks like an alien!!! She is still measuring about a week and a half ahead of schedule!! I am still -15 pounds! I have a feeling I will be sitting with my legs crossed come April because I will not go early!!! Well, my scanner is at school so I will scan the ultrasound pictures tomorrow and post them on facebook, and hopefully that will not be considered child pornography!!


  1. I measured ahead my whole pregnancy. At one point, I was almost 4 weeks ahead. But then he slowed down. And came right on his due date. Every baby grows at a different rate - don't let it freak you out.

    I had ridiculous dreams too. We were hiding Jack under the bed and in drawers.

    We're so excited for you guys! Are you sharing name possibilities?

  2. AS of right now the leading name is Allison Catharine--aka Alli Cat

  3. congratulations! we need to see pictures!

  4. That name is adorable! Love it!
