Saturday, November 27, 2010

Does this make me a Utahn?

So I ordered Mike some Christmas presents--and for some reason this year they are sappy presents. But I decided to order him the family stick figures that EVERY car in Utah has displayed proudly on their back windshield. But our family will be a Red Sox family!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Two of my students got Nuggette her first pair of shoes!! They sparkle :)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

My Theory On Fetii

So, I know, this is wild and crazy--two posts in one day. They have absolutely nothing to do with the other so I wanted to keep them separate. I've had this theory for quite a while, and was afraid I'd be looked at as Satan for posting it--but here goes. As of right now, I think having a fetus is the same thing as having a parasite. I do not believe it will always be this way--at least until they're 18. I kid, I kid. I have heard pregnancy is supposed to be so beautiful and wonderful and blah blah blah. Who are these people that think this way?? I have received ZERO benefit from being pregnant so far. Puking/dry heaving/ gagging are NOT my idea of fun. Although, Cathy pointed out that by the end of this my tolerance for puke will probably be sky high as before I would run and cry if I saw/heard/ smelled puke. My face is like a pepperoni pizza and I pop zits on a regular basis--this is far from what I consider a 'pregnancy glow'. I thought my hair would be long and luxurious--the only hair I have growing that needs regular maintenance is is my eyebrows and chin hairs! Let's not forget about the peeing when I sneeze!! Yes, I have been fighting a cold for a few days now with boogers galore and I can honestly say I would get embarrassed if I peed enough and it showed while teaching. I am not sure I'd live that one down. At least I can make jokes about my situation to get me through it. I hate to sound like an egocentric teenager (lets not forget that I spend an exorbitant amount of time with them during the week, so maybe its rubbing off?) but when, if at all, will I benefit from this pregnancy? Must I wait to give birth to Nuggette?

PS--This post is dedicated to A.M-T who has no one to vent to in Boston about her pregnancy and we had a vent-fest this morning :)


So as most people know, we had the ultrasound Friday confirming that Mike's life will be over come spring. We will be having a little girl Woodcock! We are very excited but very nervous. I actually had a dream about her last night and she was a little ginger baby and weighed TEN POUNDS! Oh lordy! I was at a math conference for most of the day yesterday and one of the vendors was selling math t shirts....and math baby onesies! So i bought Nuggette her first onesie and it says "Cutie Pi" but with the symbol pi. This was then incorporated into my dream and I was frantic because this was the only onesie she had! It was just all very bizarre. But during the ultra sound Nuggette was VERY bashful--not only did she have her legs crossed, she had them tucked in. I was pretty much being jabbed and punched by the technician and Nuggette would not give. So we have lots of wonderful head shots and hand shots and feet shots. There is one picture of Nuggette staring directly forward and oh my heck, she looks like an alien!!! She is still measuring about a week and a half ahead of schedule!! I am still -15 pounds! I have a feeling I will be sitting with my legs crossed come April because I will not go early!!! Well, my scanner is at school so I will scan the ultrasound pictures tomorrow and post them on facebook, and hopefully that will not be considered child pornography!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


So I had a few complaints that I don't write on here enough to keep those distant people updated. sheesh. sorry! It's hard keeping a blog up to date when all you do is sleep and puke! Anyways, we went to Florida last weekend for a friends wedding. We took the red eye down Thursday night and arrived first thing Friday morning. Not good. Nugget was NOT happy with the extreme lack of sleep so I quickly found my way to the nearest airport restroom--at least I wasn't on the plane. We were sharing a car with Katie and Maureen whose plane was delayed so Mike and I picked up the rental car and parked on the side of the road in downtown Jacksonville and slept for a few hours after popping a few quarters in the meter. Doesn't get much more ghetto than that. But the good news is, after my airport episode my appetite came back! Hooray! for eating! We successfully went to Chili's twice over the weekend! I did eat some french fries at the wedding and quickly got an upset stomach--but did not throw up or feel nauseated. Since then, I say bring on the fried food!!! It has been so long, I have missed fried foods terribly! We do find out the sex of the baby next week! Eeeeek! So exciting but I hate waiting. Mike wants to rig it so somehow he finds out the sex and I don't. Not cool. He is also claiming if it is a girl, it is going up for adoption. Oddly, I have numerous students either requesting I call them immediately after, or that they be on speaker phone during the ultra sound. Kind of bizarre if ya ask me. I talked to my principal today to ask if on the following Monday I either come in wearing all pink or all blue depending on the sex of the baby and he agreed, even though I brought up the point that I most likely will be wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt to make that happen. He said yes on the condition that I somehow incorporate the gender of the baby in math class--he suggested maybe finding the probability of it being a particular gender. I quickly brought up the point though that depending on what you read and who you talk to...what you eat....what time of day...and other not school appropriate things can play a factor in the sex of a baby. He quickly agreed that my students do not need to be running to the health teacher for definitions. I think I am going to poll each class and who ever has the highest percent guess correctly, I will buy doughnuts for the class--and obviously for me! :)

Monday, November 1, 2010

wowsers....october was busy

wow...i cant believe it is now november! how the heck did that happen?? so morning sickness comes and goes...ill feel good for a few days but then have a really really bad day or two. at least its not everyday i guess. but those days i have it are H-E-double hockey sticks! we went to the doc again in october--no ultrasound this time but heard the heartbeat which was about 160 beats per minute. not sure if its an old wives' tale but ive heard that a faster heartbeat means a girl. my students at school are making bets and about 75% of them are betting its a girl. some have even asked to be on speaker phone when we have the ultrasound to find out the gender--which is november 19! we head to florida for a wedding this weekend so we'll see how well Nugget flies. not much more to report, unless you want details of me praying to the porcelain gods!