Friday, December 31, 2010

Heres hoping...

So 2010 had its ups and downs just like any year, but man, that first third of the year hit us hard like a ton of bricks. So heres hoping that 2011 has its ups and downs, but has more ups than down! I figure as long as Nuggette arrives healthy (and with my stunning good looks....) I don't think I could ask for more. And at the very least...I have a hot air balloon ride to bring me up. :) Happy New Year everyone!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Life of Nugget Woodcock: Happy Holidays!!!

The Life of Nugget Woodcock: Happy Holidays!!!: "So far, the Holidays have been super! Even though Nuggette is curled up in a little mini 'lauren ball' ( know what I'm talking abo..."

Happy Holidays!!!

So far, the Holidays have been super! Even though Nuggette is curled up in a little mini "lauren ball" ( know what I'm talking about if you've seen me snuggling on a couch, cause thats how Nuggette is chillin these days...) deep within her womb, I hope she feels the love she already has! The Woodcock Clan has come in to town last week. For Christmas Nuggette got some more books and some more clothes, but most importantly, Red Sox gear!!! She has a Red Sox night light, Red Sox pacifiers, and drum roll please....a bib that says "I may slobber but I am smart enough to know that the Yankees still SUCK!" As for me, I am totally enjoying my growing collection of maternity pants. I still do not understand why women prolong wearing their own pants when they could have the amazing comfort of all elastic waist pants??? So the last full week of school before break, the admin had massueses (sp?) come in and give the staff nice quickie massages on their prep period as a Christmas gift. Along with the massage, the company was giving out coupons for a full chiropractic overview and a free 30 minute massage--I figured why not? considering the condition of my back. Well...I went last week. Upon talking to the doctor first he was VERY optimistic of curing my scoliosis without surgery and how he specialized in it and its his favorite back condition to treat and how this is the PERFECT time to go because little Nuggette will deform and twist my body in so many ways and after birth they will shift back, so we can shift them back into the correct position. Keep in mind this was prior to observing my back, and as I'm preggers he couldn't do an x-ray. Well the doc and his nurse (?) were pretty much completely dumbfounded that I can even walk and function on a daily basis given the condition of my scoliosis (keep in mind, I haven't been to a back doctor since 3rd grade). So at the end of his evaluation I asked, " I fixable?" His response? A nice, nervous laugh. But he did say he is up for a good challenge. Apparently my back is in worse shape than I thought! Fortunately, the chiropractor is covered by the insurance, so I figured why not give it a try? I may even grow an inch or so.... :)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Books and a mini me???

So Mike and I went out to put a huge dent in our Christmas Shopping yesterday and we went to Barnes and Nobles (sorry Robby...we realized afterwards we should have driven to Provo and gone to Borders and save us a boat load of money!). While looking for a particular gift for a person I wandered into the childrens section. I am sure there are many great 'new' books since I was a child but I am totally a fan of the classics. Mike laughs at me because I am so excited to have all these books again! I convinced Mike to let me start buying books for Nuggette, so we started with 2 Shel Silverstein books--The Giving Tree and Where The Sidewalk Ends. Although I am itching to re read these again because I know they will bring a ginormous smile to my face, Mike is making me wait til Christmas. After Barnes and Nobles we made a few other stops, one of which was the Target in Sandy (yes, there are closer Targets, but Mike treated me on a HOTT lunch date to chick-fil-a :)). In the drive through at chick-fil-a, the car in front of us was a station wagon but just filled to the rim with CRAP of Christmas presents. We both just looked at each other and agreed we do not want to raise our child that way. I know we say this now not knowing what the future will bring and I am not saying I want to set my child up as a dork pushing math and reading on them but I think we both would rather be hands on parents instead of buying expensive crap that breaks after 2 days to keep our kid temporarily occupied. Needless to say I am still very excited to expand our book collection. When I recall my childhood it is the simple and easy things I remember and that make me smile, not the "Susie talks a lot" or whatever the toy of the season was. But as of now, it is looking like Nuggette will be a little mini me...for starters shes female. Mike and I both have dreams of her being red haired and blue eyed, although Mike refers to them as nightmares...In her ultra sounds it appears as if she is blessed with my ginormous nose. As the technician was checking to make sure everything was in its place, we noticed she sits/rests just like me--extreme fetal position with the legs crossed and arms up by her face. No matter all the pushing and shoving the technician did, Nuggette would NOT move (translating into shes stubborn, just like me! hooray!). The technician was amazed when I said thats how I sleep too. So world, the moral of the story? I just hope you're all ready for another Lauren Louise :)

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Hmmm...nothing really new...

So not a lot has really been going on. According to websites Nuggette is about 6 and a half inches and should be 10.5 inches by the end of the week, but thats not considering shes measuring a few weeks bigger than scheduled. With that being said I dont have much of a belly. We did go to see Narnia last night (it was good, but not as great as the first 2...) and I think I felt Nuggette fluttering away down there (maybe she also thinks Caspian is a hottie?? :)) but of course right when I stood up I farted, so maybe it was just gas? My hair has been super duper greasy lately...apparently I complain about it everyday to Mike, but I must forget from day to day...