Sunday, January 30, 2011

13 weeks to go...

So here were are at 27 weeks! I can finally see Nuggette moving occasionally in my belly. We also went out the other night to buy the furniture for Nuggette's room and I am very glad we did! Bob and Celia were here over MLK day (2 weeks ago?) and ended up at Costco one day when I got a phone call that I should go and look at their crib. I passed it off and ignored it like any daughter in law would do (jk). I figured it was still a better deal to get the nursery from Babies r Us. The following weekend Mike and I went to Costco (last weekend) and saw the crib and really liked it. There were a gazillion in stock considering we had to climb on boxes just to see the price. The crib comes with conversion rails for only $360 (which is HUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE! Comparable cribs at babies r us run from 350-600$ WITHOUT the rails which add about 200-250$ onto the crib price!). There was also a changing table/dresser that matched the crib. After discussing it over the week we decided to get the set on Friday night. Holy canoli! We got the second to last crib and the last dresser! I came home to do research on the set (it is not available at and mommy message boards were blowing up about it so I think there was a mad rush to go buy them. It is a new design so there are no reviews on it yet but the company that makes it has very, very good reviews at Along the same lines as the nursery our cousin Anne asked if she could paint it. Of course we said yes because if we were to do it, it would have one color or possibly an accent wall--thats how creative we get around here. So after talking to Anne, the plan right now is to have a tan base color and then have different shades of lavender bubbles on it. She's pretty artsy so were giving her free reign pretty much. My back is still a day to day thing. For some reason Thursdays are very hard on my back. Apparently my nerves have Thursdayitis. Last Monday was a wonderful day though--I came home from work to find a package from the Krendels with maternity tops! I won't be naked after all! I think little miss Emily was the fashionista who approved of all purchases. I have received countless compliments on my maternity clothes. Also, Mike's birthday is Tuesday but hes a stinky cause he'll be Seattle on business. Instead of canceling his birthday I decided to give him a new camera early so that when Nuggette comes he can take lots of pictures to brag about the wee one. We tried playing with it earlier today but it is a little high tech for us Woodcockers. Well...thats all that is going on here I think...sore back and lots of peeing! :)


  1. Hi Lauren! I love your post! Great update! I am so excited for you guys! I cannot wait to meet her.

  2. You look absolutely beautiful from the mid-section of you that I can actually see!! : )
